Changes We Bring

Communal Harmony

Changes We Bring

The name "Aman Biraadari" embodies the essence of communal harmony. In collaboration with Manavadhikar Sandarbh Kendra in Jaipur, this initiative has introduced several books on peace and harmony in libraries to instill a sense of camaraderie among the youth and children. The Aman Pathiks have been trained in various forms of artistic expression such as skits, songs, and wall writings, to spread the message of peace and fellowship in the community. The youth have played an integral role in this program, and as a result, 30 Aman Committees and 20 libraries have been formed during the communal harmony campaign. The village's youth regularly visit these libraries to read the resources provided. The ultimate goal of this effort is to foster a fraternity of secular communities and promote peace and social understanding.